Its been a while since I didn't update my blog. Its because I'm too busy getting ready for the reunion of DR, my group! This was a late post and it happens April 14-15. That was so awesome! Before it all starts, April 14. Me and Mark Jhonel, the leader of DR meets and look for the others. Too bad that some didn't come because they're not allowed. As we met, we went to Jhonel's house to left our stuff there and go to the market to buy food supplies we're going to need! After buying everything, we went back to Jhonel's house and some more of our friends came. We're seven there, me, Jhonel, Keith, Kenbryll, Bryan, Rona and Princess. But Princess went home and she said that she'll back in the morning because she's not allowed to sleepover with us. We had fun there! We play Keith's PS3! We also try the multiplayer of PSP! We talk, laugh and had a really awesome night! We're unslept, except from Keith. He slept for almost 4 hours. Around 2:30am. Princess came back. We ate ice cream, lol yeah! Ice cream in the morning. Then we pack up the things and ready the food. 5:00, we left and went to Bulacan for the trip! That was April 15 then. 6:30, one of our friend also made it. He called us to stop and wait for him.He was Rainielo and he cooked the food as we reach the resort! The place was so awesome! Cold swimming pool, lots of slides and cottages. But its not private, its public so there's also a lot of people there! As we reach there, we fix our things and start swimming! We swam a lot then as Rainielo done with the food. Of course, we ate. Then take a rest for a while. Talk again and do some trippings! They also tried the videoke there, it was so awesome. I sang one song. After that, we swim again! We swim and swim and had so much fun in the pool! They try the slides and slam in the water! After a long time of swimming, we take rest. Walk around the resort and then take a bath. As almost all of us ready to go home, suddenly Keith, Princess, Kenbryll and Rona disappeared. Oh that's why, they're just talking on the boat in the pool. And we didn't seen them for 1 and half hour! lol! So they rushly take a bath then we go home! So much fun but we're all so tired. As we reach Jhonel's home. We take a rest for a while then went home! That was so awesome! Cannot wait already for the next DR reunion, but our leader said the next time. No more swimming, the reunion will be different as the other reunion of DR! That would be cool! :D