This passing days after releasing my third set. Everything becomes rough, I was so busy and my schedule was so hectic. I chasing against time and I'm running out of vacant slots because of all the things I need to do. Finally, tonight just had the chance to update my blog. Today was an awesome day. Just fixed up my plans for the Low Roads and Ways to go spam. I write down all the things that I need to get over with and which songs that I will make a lyric video with. Of course, not all. But I will maybe make a live video of every song in the third set. I would like to thanks to all of my friends and family who loved the set. It was a great pleasure. So I made things done today and also made a new list to do just like I said above. I set up all the things that I'm up to today and hope that I get over with this all by time. Also, expect some events and hangouts with my new friends on college that to be posted here. I also join a new organization in my school, its called "Artcore" if I'm not mistaken. It's about acoustic music and stuff so I hope it was fun being with them. I had so much fun today with my done activities and since the new was out. More will come! Enjoy the third set guys and wait for the live and lyric videos! Coming soon! :D