Sunday, June 1, 2014
First week of the Second year college!
Hey guys! I'm really really sorry for a long time no post! I've been so busy and worky thingy these passing weeks... However, my vocation has ended and the second year first sem college has begun! I just had my first week last week. So yeah, really sorry for no updates because I really kinda busy, sort of! My study now for second year has begun so expect some events and activities to be post. However, here some of new announcements.
1. Due to lack of time. Some kind of new Necromancy: The Story was canceled. However, I'm kinda working on it sometimes if I have a free time so it can be just pop out here as whole, not by chapter. Instantly full story but that could happen is a very very small chance.
2. On brighter side, expect some new posts of events and activities I'll do for this second year college time!
3. Blog modify and new more updates. I'm gonna release more stuff inside my blog, edit it up a bit and add more status updates and information about me.
4. Fifth set coming soon, already had 6 tracks...
5. (There's a surprise...)
That's all for now, keep catching up! :D