Friday, May 15, 2015

Working at it again!

Hey guys! Today was a rough day! It was my grandma's birthday today and we had visitors and also had a little fun! We do stuff and all and after a little celebration. I began with my personal stuff. I'm working right now with my future plans and upcoming works to come. This starts with the 6th set. I'm worked out with that today. As well as with the new secret project I'm doing. Just want to say that it will be on a new blog. Not here, however, it will be announced here. Both on its release and any other things that relates to it. Also with my music stuff, special tasks, upcoming events and activities, personal works and the map that I'm making! Right now, this upcoming things are a bit of prepared and I'm gonna start doing them this coming June. Also next week, as I mentioned before, I'm about to start my 3rd year college so that'll be fun! Sorry for long time no post and keep catching up! New things are coming! :D