Saturday, November 22, 2014

Lyrics video for song "Ellie" - track 1 of the 5th set: Cavalry of the Broken Rogues

Hey guys, this is gonna be the very first song to be out from the 5th set but on a lyrics video. And it'll be also the first track of the set. Track 1, entitled "Ellie". This song is out now and has it's lyrics video. You can check it out here now or in the YouTube -- Ellie - Lyrics Video

Ellie, track 1 from the 5th set: Cavalry of the Broken Rogues, lyrics video.

Note: The name on the song title "Ellie" and pictures of the girl in the lyrics video is the main character of the game/story called "The Last of us" from Naughty Dog. Ellie, the girl in the video, is a little girl where you're about to use/play for story purposes inside the game. The song is not about her literally but I used her to illustrate the person whom I dedicated this song with. I love this game character though, Ellie rocks.
The real name of the person I dedicated this with is Ellen. Yep, this is for her.